понедельник, 13 декабря 2010 г.

5 Best Butt Exercises for Women

5 Best Butt Exercises for Women
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Try this 5 Best Butt Exercises and get the booty of your dreams, or maybe just fill out your favorite pair of jeans a bit better but you can’t make it to the gym?

No worries! The best butt exercises for women that don’t require your ever stepping foot in the weight room. Do these at home, in your dorm room or office, or while traveling — basically anywhere you’ve got a little space and feel comfortable!

And you don’t need to be preparing for a beach trip or trying to make an ex jealous. These exercises for your butt won’t just make you look and feel better, they’ll also help you in your day to day life.

Strengthening your glutes relieves back pain, makes going from sitting to standing easier, improves athletic performance, and can even help prevent knee pain, among many other things. But, hey, nothing wrong with simply wanting to look hotter either!

Read on and learn the best no gym butt exercises!

Deep Bodyweight Squat

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width (or even a bit more if necessary for balance) with your toes turned slightly outwards.
  2. Lower yourself slowly, going as low as you can while keeping your back straight (this keeps the focus on your glutes).
  3. Hold your arms out in front of you for balance.
  4. Perform 10 reps, or as many as you can do, then move onto the next exercise.

Glute Bridges (aka Hip Raises)

  1. Lay on your back with your shoulders aligned with your hips, and your ankles as close to your glutes as possible.
  2. Raise your hips slowly while keeping your heels firmly on the ground, then return to the starting position.
  3. Perform 10 reps, or as many as you can do, then move on to the next exercise.

Reverse Leg Lifts

  1. Kneel with your forearms on the ground and your abs drawn in as if you were doing a plank. Your knees should be under your hips.
  2. While keeping one knee on the ground, lift and lower your other leg while keeping your hips steady.
  3. Perform 10 reps per leg, or as many as you can do, then move onto the next exercise.

Single Leg Split Squat (aka Bulgarian Split Squat)

  1. Position yourself in front of an elevated, stable surface around a foot or so high.
  2. Place one leg on this surface with your foot facing downwards, then hop out a bit so your other leg is extended. Your extended leg should be far out enough that when you lower your hips your knee stays directly over your ankle.
  3. Slowly lower and raise yourself to complete 1 rep. Perform 10 reps per leg, or as many as you can do, then move onto the next exercise.

Fire Hydrant Exercise

  1. Kneel on all fours with your eyes looking at the ground, your stomach sucked in, and your arms straight with your elbows locked.
  2. Slowly raise one leg to the side, keeping a 90 degree bend, before returning your leg to the ground.
  3. This completes 1 rep. Perform 10 reps per leg, or as many as you can do, then move on to the next exercise.

Perform this routine 2-3 per week. Add or subtract reps, and lengthen or shorten your rest between exercises depending on your ability.

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t make it through all the reps or the whole routine. As long as you are genuinely challenging yourself, you’re improving. Just do your best to do at least a bit better than you did in your last workout!

Original article and pictures take stayhealth.net site

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