As women, our boobs are a marker of womanhood.
For most of us, our boobs are the first sign of the transition between childhood and becoming an adult, often long before our period crashes the party and makes us question if growing up is really for us.
Many of us remember putting on our first bra and thinking:
Man, I feel like a woman!
Nailed it, Shania.
Of course, along with great boob comes great responsibility, and we have to learn how to make our unique boobs work for us. We study our boob-idols like Tyra Banks (how do her boobs look that good in literally anything?!) and watch with amazement as Jennifer Aniston pulls off the no-bra-tight-sweater look flawlessly. What are their secrets to firm and perky ta-tas? Well, ladies, the answer lies not in your boobs themselves, but in how you carry them.
The best way to give the girls a wake-up call without going under the knife or strapping yourself into a complicated, triple push-up bustier, is to improve your posture. If you’re skeptical, try this:
Stand in front of a mirror bra-less or with minimal support. Slouch, letting your spine curve and shoulders cave. How are your boobs looking? Probably not so great.
Now, stand up tall. Straighten out your spine, tighten your abs, and set your shoulders back with confidence. See the difference? Now imagine what a little extra work strengthening and lengthening could do.
We’ve compiled seven of the best yoga moves out there that focus on specific postures to perk up and firm your beautiful breasts that will make you love your boobs once more.
These seven yoga poses focus on three main areas: Your thoracic spine (the 12 vertebrae in your chest area that connect to your ribs), your core muscles, and of course stretching out your chest. When these areas are strong and open, perfect posture becomes your default and makes your boobs look young again.
Warrior pose (or Virabhadrasana) is a powerful pose meant to help you feel strong and confident. It will help you extend your thorax, making it stronger and capable of maintaining posture and lifting your boobs.
Triangle pose (or Trikonasana) is all about lengthening. It will release and strengthen your thoracic spine and stretch the rest of your spine in the process. This long spine helps you stand tall and show off your boobs. Bonus: Triangle also improves blood flow if you need a mid-day pick up.
Cobra (or Bhujangasana) is an incredible thoracic stretch and ab-strengthener. Ab strength is key to not collapsing inward and hiding your boobs. Bonus: Cobra is a great way to increase lung volume so you can take deep, calming breaths.
Bow pose (or Dhanurasana) is great for any of you well-endowed women out there whose boobs cause back pain. It stretches your whole spine and chest, and gives your boobs beautiful shape.
Camel (or Ustrasana) is another fantastic back-pain reliever. It will stretch out your chest and strengthen your thoracic spine to give your girls a lift.
Wheel pose (or Chakrasana) lengthens your spine from your tailbone to your neck, allowing your to stand up tall and proud, helping your boobs to stand out. Bonus: A quick Chakrasana when you’re feeling sluggish can lift fatigue and help heal a headache.
Supported Headstand (or Salamba Sirsasana) is not for the faint of heart, and certainly not for a first-time yogi. That being said, it is a super-strengthener for the ligaments and muscles in your thorax and spine, and requires tremendous core strength. If you are a beginner, don’t worry – practice the other poses and work your way up to boob-yoga domination
Practice these yoga poses multiple times a week to improve your posture, achieve firm, perky breasts, and fall in love with your boobs all over again.
Original article and pictures take site
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