вторник, 21 сентября 2010 г.

15 Common Health Problems That Can Be Treated Using Epsom Salt

15 Common Health Problems That Can Be Treated Using Epsom Salt

Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is a pure, time-tested mineral compound with a wide range of usages.

It is popular for adding to bathing water through which it can supply the body with the two main natural chemical ingredients since the absorption through the skin is the best way to get these essential substances.

Epsom salt and skin health

Our body is constantly producing new cells. The old cells die and the new ones replace them at a rate about 1 million a day. The majority of the dust that is in your house is made up of your dead skin cells. Within 1 year, we shed about 8 pounds of dead skin.

The outer layer of the skin is constantly covered in dead skin cells. If they are not completely removed they can remain behind and clog up the new skin cells. This is the reason why we exfoliate. Exfoliation is the process in which we slough off all the dead skin, leaving the healthy new skin cells to breathe easily.

Epsom salt as an acne treatment

Epsom salt is extremely beneficial in the case of acne. The exfoliation process is essential since it cleans the pores of your skin. This incredible salt has powerful antimicrobial properties which can fight off any acne bacteria.

Epsom salt as a hair care treatment

Epsom salt can help you to remove toxins, add volume to your hair, and clean your scalp. Just add Epsom salt to your hair conditioner and apply it on your scalp. Let it stand for 20 minutes then you can rinse with warm water.

The benefits of Epsom Salt for health and well-being

As we mentioned before, adding Epsom salt to your bath water is the best way in order to obtain the maximum benefits. You need to add 2 cups of Epsom salt per bathtub.

The roles of magnesium and sulfate

Magnesium is a mineral essential for the proper function of your body systems. It plays an important role in the regulation and activity of more than 325 enzymes, some of which are responsible for reducing the hardening of the arteries, enhancing muscle and nerve function, and reducing inflammation.

Sulfate, on the other hand, can increase the body’s absorption of nutrients and promote detoxification. Working together, the combination of these two powerful compounds can provide a number of health benefits, including:

  • Relives joint pain
  • Reduces tension and stress
  • Prevents hardening of the arteries
  • Soothes and relaxes sore muscles
  • Improves bone integrity
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes through enhanced insulin management
  • Helps to prevent blood clots from forming
  • Helps to lessen bruise inflammation
  • Soothes sprain pain
  • Helps to prepare your body for a good night’s sleep
  • Helps the body to detox

Original article and pictures take wp.me site

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